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Fortifying Europe’s Soft Underbelly: The Rupnik Line, the Vallo Alpino and Other Fortifications of the Ljubljana Gap

by Aleksander Jankovič Potočnik and Vladimir Tonić

Merriam Press World War II History

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Paperback - ISBN 9781716311598 - $19.99

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The Rupnik Line, the Vallo Alpino and other fortifications of the Ljubljana Gap in the former Yugoslavia before, during and after World War II are covered in detail by a Slovenian author who has visited, researched and recorded the existing remains.

Well illustrated with 165 maps, plans, sketches, and wartime as well as present day photos of the remains of the bunkers, turrets and other fortifications of the area (some are in color).

198 6x9-inch pages

Fortifying Europe’s Soft Underbelly: The Rupnik Line, the Vallo Alpino and Other Fortifications of the Ljubljana Gap

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