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Combat Engineer: A World War 2 Memoir

by Nelson R. Knox, Jr.

Merriam Press World War II Memoir

eBook - ISBN 9781576384343 - $2.99

Paperback not available

Hardcover not available

Detailed account by a member of the 303rd Engineer Battalion, from induction through training and deployment to Europe and combat to the end in Germany.


1943 - Induction and Training, First Year in the Army
1943-1944 - Army Specialized Training Program
1944 - 78th “Lightning” Division
1944 - From Pickett to Belgium
1944-1945 - The Siegfried Line, Lammersdorf to Schmidt
1945 - From Schmidt to the Rhine
1945 - Along the Rhine
1945 - The Ruhr Pocket
1945 - Sechshelden
1945 - Sorga
1945 - Trockenerfurth and Bad Wildungen
1945 - Oedelsheim
1945-1946 - Going Home

26 photos

Combat Engineer: A World War 2 Memoir

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