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Christmas In the Bag: A Novel About Survival

by Gary A. Best

Merriam Press World War II Historical Fiction

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Paperback - ISBN 9780359906642 - $14.95

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“Gary Best takes the reader into a German prisoner of war camp and tells a story revealing the hopes, fears, humor, deprivations, and surprises of an experience most of us can only imagine. A lone American POW lands in a group of captured British officers and finds friendship, inspiration, and the rediscovery of a neglected talent that contributes to an unforgettable Christmas moment. Set in the final months of World War II and informed by the recollections of POW survivors, Christmas in the Bag honors the courage and resourcefulness of the prisoners of war and offers a touching insight into their sacrifice for our freedom.” –Father Chris Cordes, Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Columbia, Missouri.

176 6x9-inch pages, Illustrated.

Christmas In the Bag: A Novel About Survival

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